Apple; Arbutus; Ash; Aspen; Birch - White(Silver or Common Birch ); Bamboo; Broadleaf; Blackberry; Black Currant; Cholla ( some form of cacti); Cottonwood; Crabapple; Dogwood; Elm; Balsa; Grey; Grapevine; Hawthorn; Hazelnut; Kiwi; Larch; Magnolia; Manzanita; Mulberry; Ocotillo; Pine (Kiln Dried Only); Pear; Pecan; Poplar; Quince; Rose; Sycamore; Sequoia (Redwood); Willow (Not white willow) Yucca; Sola
Avoid branches from cherry, citrus fruit trees, redwood, cedar, and other evergreen trees. Do not use particleboard, plywood or other treated materials They are toxic to your chinchilla.
Apple Wood Sticks; Apple Wood; Plain Cheerios(no honey, found in US only); Bee Pollen; Pain shredded wheat; Lavender; Dandelion; Rose Petals; Rose hips; Plain oats
Every treat should be dried and given in moderation, as a few prone to causing gas. Not all the treats on this list are safe for kits and Pregnant chinchillas.
Chinchillas are herbivores, meaning they eat only plant material. Herbivores must have food moving constantly through their digestive system to avoid health problems. They require a high fiber, low carbohydrate, and low fat diet. This is accomplished by feeding your chinchilla a diet that consists of high-fiber grass hay, a fortified pellet diet, and fresh produce.
Our recommendations for a balanced chinchilla diet are:
Your chinchilla should always have fresh grass hay available and hay should make up 75%-80% of his/her diet. The most common grass hays available in market are timothy and orchard grass. Alfalfa hay contains too much calcium and protein for an adult animal and should only be fed to young chinchillas ( <6 months) and lactating females.
Chose a pelleted diet that is hay-based and does not contain any added fruits, nuts, or seeds. Most adult chinchillas do well with 1-2 tbsp/day, but your vet may recommend increasing or decreasing the amount, depending on your chinchilla's weight. We recommend feeding your chinchilla a measured amount of pellets every day so that you will notice as soon as possible if your chinchilla's appetite has decreased.
Chinchilla should never have any fresh produces. No Fruits and no veggies. (also no seeds and nuts)
Chinchillas should have access to water at all times, either in a water bottle or a heavy flat-bottom bowl. Water should be fresh daily.
There are two feeding schedule that I recommend, you might need to figure out which is more suitable for you and your chinchilla. Before it, the chin's basic food that is
1) pellet food and
2) timothy hay, daily treat is hay cubes (Timothy hay base).